New Year’s Exercise Advice For People With Diabetes.

Making a New Year’s resolution can be a challenge, whether you want to make lifestyle changes, set personal goals or get a little fitter. Making small, manageable changes and starting the year with a positive mindset can help you stay healthy and happy!

We have put together some top tips to get started.

Be more active

Being more physically active is easier than you think, whether it’s a gentle walk, run, swim or even doing daily chores such as cooking or cleaning. A small increase in activity can make a big difference. Choosing to exercise regularly helps reduce the chance of long-term complications from your diabetes, for example it makes you feel happier, strengthens bones and muscles, improves sleep, reduce your weight and reduces blood glucose levels. WIN – WIN!

Try something new

Whether you want to take part in something gentle or more active there are lots of options available, for example – gardening, dancing, bowls, or swimming. The best way is to keep a diary so that you can record what you have done. Start slowly, increase your activity levels in small amounts and gradually work your way up to 30 minutes a day. 

Keep motivated

It can be daunting to stay on your chosen activity, but if you split activity up throughout the week then this will make it so much easier. Sometimes you will find it easier, other days will feel harder. Don’t be tempted to do too much. Ask your friends and family to keep you on track and set yourself some small achievable goals that you know you can achieve.

Once you meet these goals reward yourself with a simple get together with your partner or friends or even a little treat.

Keep Moving

You have a higher risk of developing foot problems when you have diabetes. It’s important to not sit for too long without moving. Make sure you have appropriate footwear that fit correctly and are comfortable. Why not try these simple activities to keep you moving, you will be surprised how much better you feel!

  • Go for a walk
  • Stand up and have a stretch
  • Take the stairs more often if you can
  • Change sitting position often
  • Stand up when you are on the phone
  • Try parking in the furthest corner of the car park
  • Jog on the spot
  • Dance around the house 

Have the ‘keep moving’ message front of mind and remember to talk to a doctor to make sure the chosen activity is suitable for you.

Get involved

Find fun ways or take on a challenge or support a cause close to your heart. This could be a fundraising charity event, volunteering or something that you organise yourself with your friends. Not only will this allow you to get more active, but it will help boost your confidence and allow you to gain new skills and experiences. You could also try joining a yoga class or a walking group. Exercising is more fun when you do it with others.

Make time for relaxation

Its important to make sure you take time to relax and “switch off” from all your worries. Not only does this reduce stress levels, it helps you relax and helps lower your blood pressure.

Remember to always talk to your health professionals, so that they can help. Happy New Year! Keep positive, motivated and healthy!

Visit these websites for more helpful advice on keeping active and discover what is available in your area:

Are you planning on making some lifestyle changes – what tips do you have? Let us know at

It’s that magical time of year again. The holidays are all about spending quality time with friends and family. Plan ahead and you will be able to relax and enjoy the festivities.

Our top tips to help you enjoy the holidays and manage your diabetes:

1. Enjoy festive eating

It’s easy to over eat during the holiday season with lots of temptation all around. Planning ahead and keeping to a healthy eating plan during festivities will help you. As you know you do not need a special diet. It is about making sensible choices.

Our top tip is to remember to love your veggies. Vegetables are low in carbohydrate (carbs) and high in fibre and will help to fill you up, not to mention they are full of vitamins and minerals.

2. Spread your carbs

Spread carbs throughout the day and be mindful of your portion size. Slow acting carbs release energy slowly and are less sugary and starchy. Examples would be sweet potatoes mixed with your white potatoes, all those lovely root vegetables like carrots and parsnips, beans, lentils, sweetcorn, and wholemeal breads and pasta.

3. Take your time

It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register you are full and if you eat too quickly you are more likely to overeat. Try to take your time and eat slowly. A little tip is to put your knife and fork down between mouthfuls. But most of all enjoy your food, even the odd treat, and the company of your friends and family.

4. Never skip a meal

Busy, busy, busy! Keeping track of meals when we are busy doing the last minute Christmas shopping and having fun can be a challenge. Take time to plan ahead and make sure you have something to eat at regular intervals.

5. Keep hydrated

We would recommend drinking 8-10 cups of sugar-free fluids a day. It’s important to stay hydrated but be mindful that fruit juices and smoothies may contain a lot of sugar and calories.

Water is fine! You can also drink alcohol in moderation but remember not to drink alcohol on an empty stomach. The best time to drink alcohol is with a meal.

And one more thing… go for a walk if you can

Did you know that when you exercise it helps your body use the insulin more efficiently, therefore lowering your blood sugar faster?
This doesn’t mean that you need to run a half marathon after the big meal. Even moderate activity can help to lower blood sugar. If you are able to, why not go for a walk after a big meal to take away that completely ‘full feeling’. Nothing better on a nice crisp winter’s day.

Frequently asked questions

  • Are there any ways to make traditional holiday foods healthier?
    You can always recreate any recipe and make it healthier. Think about the type of fat you are using. Think about what you use to cook food, some simple swaps include swapping saturated fats for unsaturated fats, (e.g. butter for coconut oil or vegetable oils), and substitute sugar with artificial sweeteners to reduce calories.
  • How can I stay motivated?
    Find ways to stay motivated. Whether it’s setting new goals, exercising more frequently or something else. This time of year, can make you feel low in mood so remember to talk to your close ones. There is always someone there to listen and help you enjoy the holidays. Did you know that a few minutes of laughter a day triggers the release of mood-boosting endorphins? Worth a try!
  • Should I go on a “detox” after eating holiday meals?
    Just get back on track after the holidays. Give leftovers away and get back to your healthy diet.

Everyone can enjoy the holiday season, just remember it is only a few days. The main ingredient is planning and laughter.

Enjoy your time celebrating by keeping these tips in mind.
Happy holidays!

What other tips do you recommend? Let us know at